Letter from the editor

Dear readers, It is one thing to look forward to a baby and have it come later than you anticipated, and it is another to be told you can't have children altogether. When faced with a hard and painful situation like this, it's not easy to cope, especially when you have friends and relatives with their little ones running around.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Dear readers,

It is one thing to look forward to a baby and have it come later than you anticipated, and it is another to be told you can’t have children altogether. When faced with a hard and painful situation like this, it’s not easy to cope, especially when you have friends and relatives with their little ones running around.

This week, we look into this distressing condition that has left some women "husband-less” and sadly, scorned by society that is under the belief that a woman who can’t have kids is no woman at all. Health experts also give us insight into the problem and advice on the way forward.

Hair weaves are said to be for women who are not happy with their own hair. But that’s not entirely true. Weaves are for anyone who wants to add an edge to their own hair.They come in plenty of ways; curly, straight, braided, you name it.

However, getting a good weave means not being able to tell one is wearing a weave at all. That means, everything matters, from the quality to the hairdresser! Naturally, the best ones are more expensive but the result will be worth it.

When a 50-year-old woman falls for a man 20 years her junior, society will judge because that is what is expected. To some, this may not sound like a big deal, until the woman in question is mother dearest. Today, one troubled woman seeks advice for a similar problem threatening to wreck her relationship with her mom. Have a great weekend.

Rachel Garuka