More ICT awareness campaigns needed

Editor, We are very grateful to the visionary leadership of Rwanda, the charismatic leadership that seeks innovative ways to create socio-economic progress for the benefit of all.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


We are very grateful to the visionary leadership of Rwanda, the charismatic leadership that seeks innovative ways to create socio-economic progress for the benefit of all.

Today, broadband is an important utility just like electricity and water. Time has come for our schools, businesses, farmers and health centres to leverage on digital resources to transform the economy in an unprecedented manner.

A critical step however lies in continuous ICT awareness and literacy campaigns as well as penetration of computing devices such mobile devices, computers and other gadgets which should result in overall broadband usage.


Reaction to the story, "High-speed 4G Internet finally ready for roll-out” (The New Times, November 10)