Say no to violence against children

Dear editor,I was so bothered when I read an article published in your paper about a seven-year girl who was raped by her close relative in Nyamagabe district.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Dear editor,
I was so bothered when I read an article published in your paper about a seven-year girl who was raped by her close relative in Nyamagabe district.

Reports say that the girl is now admitted in the hospital due to the injuries she got.

This is a warning to parents who neglect their children to relatives; men are becoming inhumane- they are beasts! How can you do such a thing to a girl at that age.

Such children are at risk of having permanent physical and mental damage. This girl may suffer trauma for the rest of her life.

Research suggests that the various factors contribute to sexual violence so that the more factors present, the greater the likelihood of sexual violence prevalence.

In addition, a particular factor may vary in importance according to the life stage.

The police and local authorities should encourage community activism, school based programs to create awareness, including the media use.

Including heavy penalties for perpetrators!