Nutrition: Five fat blaster foods

Eggs Gerald Ruzindana, a nutritionist with Health Inspirations, says that an egg is not only a nutritional powerhouse, it's also loaded with protein that is satisfying.

Wednesday, November 05, 2014


Gerald Ruzindana, a nutritionist with Health Inspirations, says that an egg is not only a nutritional powerhouse, it’s also loaded with protein that is satisfying.

"Eat eggs for breakfast; they’ll curb your appetite enough that you’ll have a good number of calories less than usual throughout the rest of the day,” he says.


Go for fresh goat cheese or feta for a dose of conjugated linoleic acid . It helps you feel full and burn more fat. Cheeses from grass-fed animals have the most CLA, so buy ones labeled "grass-fed.

Skim milk

Most of us think of milk as kids’ stuff, but it boasts grown-up benefits. Milk’s proteins (whey and casein) can make you feel more satisfied than sugary drinks. CLA in milk fights fat, too.


Ruzindana says an orange is one of the most satisfying grabs from the fruit bowl—thanks to all that fiber."Fiber fights fat: people who eat more fiber have less flat,” he says. He adds that it would also be nice to add a salad as it is very nutritious and cuts fat.


High-carb spuds often get a bad rap, but they deserve to be a dieter’s BFF. Three times as filling as a slice of white bread, potatoes top all of the foods on the satiety index. Plus, the resistant starch in potatoes helps your body burn fat, too.