Local leaders need to commit to improving service delivery

Editor, Service delivery is key to building the perception that will create positive image and momentum for results; for instance, it took me two months get a land title transferred to my names in Gasabo District while it took me just 30 days in Kicukiro to get the same service.

Sunday, November 02, 2014


Service delivery is key to building the perception that will create positive image and momentum for results; for instance, it took me two months get a land title transferred to my names in Gasabo District while it took me just 30 days in Kicukiro to get the same service.

The difference here is commitment to performance targets, ability to measure those results, and ability to act on performance shortfalls in line with improvement.


Reaction is made to the story, "Why Gasabo continues to struggle in Imihigo” (The New Times, October 30)