Letter of the week: Young girls should borrow a leaf from Amina Umuhoza

Editor, I was humbled by Amina Umuhoza's story that appeared in Women Today on Thursday last week. It takes a woman with guts to venture into work that is largely dominated by men.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Editor, I was humbled by Amina Umuhoza’s story that appeared in Women Today on Thursday last week. It takes a woman with guts to venture into work that is largely dominated by men.

Amina struggled throughout her life, from being married off at a tender age to domestic abuse; one would think that she would easily give up on life and become a beggar, or worse take to the streets as a sex worker, however that didn’t happen.

She kept her hopes alive by attending women empowerment programmes at the district level.

She continued working hard and her children are now in school, which she never got a chance to attend. It is a big lesson to the many young girls today who would rather sleep the whole day and wait to be called by guys for a drink in the evening. To make it worse, some, if not most of these young girls, are educated but they will always whine about the lack of jobs in the country.

That same mentality has eventually killed their ability and even the chances they had of getting employed. It’s high time our young girls got out there and found something useful to do other than wait because good things come to those who earn it. Victoria Ingabire