'Never Again' pledge has turned into empty rhetoric

Editor, Guilt often drives the guilty to hate those who make them so, especially when it also creates a huge gulf between their conceits as the custodians of the best of human values and the actual reality of their cowardice or culpable indifference in the face of evil.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Guilt often drives the guilty to hate those who make them so, especially when it also creates a huge gulf between their conceits as the custodians of the best of human values and the actual reality of their cowardice or culpable indifference in the face of evil.

Between (former French President) François Mitterrand’s callous "In such a country, genocide isn’t all that important” and the BBC’s equally racist backhanded treatment of the same genocide, on both occasions in total silence from their peers, we are better able to see how much these people truly believe in the universality of human beings and human rights.

It also brings home the complete hypocrisy of those declarations of Never Again from the same suspects.

Mwene Kalinda

Reaction is made to the letter, "BBC is a platform for fugitives” (The New Times, October 25)