Questions that make you sweat

Campus life is fun and laughing at some people's pain is just one of life's greatest wonders - until the tables are turned. That's when it isn't funny anymore. When some questions are asked, the shirt suffers at the hands of active sweat glands that release sweat faster than you can say 'come again'.

Thursday, October 23, 2014
Campus Inspector

Campus life is fun and laughing at some people’s pain is just one of life’s greatest wonders - until the tables are turned. That’s when it isn’t funny anymore. When some questions are asked, the shirt suffers at the hands of active sweat glands that release sweat faster than you can say ‘come again’.

There is this attendance thing in most of the universities and those whose attendance is low don’t sit for exams. When you miss, you have to make sure someone writes your name down as part of the attendees and you will get away scot free. That is until the professor asks, "Why am I seeing more names than the people in the class? Who wrote these names?”

When you are the one that wrote a friend’s name and everyone knows it, you are safer jumping off a tall building because your life becomes hell from that moment on.

There is nothing sweeter than having a cute girlfriend and everyone envies you for that. But when that cute girlfriend walks up to you and asks "can we talk”, you start to reminisce about the good times and also try to remember what you could have done wrong.  Some guys even get an instant stammer because those words normally mean it’s over. In that state of panic, the guy in question will blabber everything and even snake his own friends.

"What was your GPA last semester?” It doesn’t matter if it’s your girlfriend, professor or parent. This is a question you don’t want to be asked. But some students talk about their GPA more times than they check their phones. I had promised my girlfriend to improve but when she asked me, I immediately got diarrhea and had to rush to the bathroom

I would rather spend all my time in the bathroom than answer that question. I will come up with any excuse in the book till the end of the semester since I plan on doing well. Unless you are in fact doing well, that is a question that should never be answered because it leads to the infamous "can we talk”. No girl wants a dumb boyfriend.