National examinations are knocking and primary six, senior three and senior six candidates are in panic mood. It is common for students to become nervous and even lose appetite for food. And when they become nervous, they resort to all sorts of things such as forfeiting their sleep, reading all day and night, intensifing their prayer activity, visiting witch doctors and thinking of cheating.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

National examinations are knocking and primary six, senior three and senior six candidates are in panic mood. It is common for students to become nervous and even lose appetite for food. And when they become nervous, they resort to all sorts of things such as forfeiting their sleep, reading all day and night, intensifying their prayer activity, visiting witch doctors and thinking of cheating.

However, none of the above tactics may work unless the learner grasps a few little things. The Education Times approached teachers, counsellors, parents and health experts for their advice to the candidates, and as you will discover when you read our lead story, the tips are so enriching. We also get to know how much damage exam fever and superstition can cause to a learner.

Good luck to all the candidates.