Your editorial was spot on

Editor, Refer to the editorial, Stop quick-fix actions in our sports, (The New Times, October 6).

Monday, October 13, 2014


Refer to the editorial, Stop quick-fix actions in our sports, (The New Times, October 6).

Your editorial hits the nail right on the head in critiquing the short term fixes always used to try to solve a structural problem in organising ourselves to identify and then support the nurturing of sporting talent (not just football) in this country.

I also concur with your proposed remedial strategy. I have suggested that it is useless and highly demoralising to continuously do the same thing all the time and expect a more joyful outcome. Our sports authorities need to go back to the drawing-board and rethink their entire strategy, taking on board the elements you propose.

We shall otherwise continue to be other people’s guaranteed whipping boys; there is no "self-dignity” in that role.

Mwene Kalinda