Recipes for the liver and gall bladder

The liver carries out multiple functions, detoxification being one of them in a still and quiet manner. A balanced and natural diet is of utmost importance to keep this organ in optimal conditions as well as to prevent possible disorders.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The liver carries out multiple functions, detoxification being one of them in a still and quiet manner. A balanced and natural diet is of utmost importance to keep this organ in optimal conditions as well as to prevent possible disorders.

On the other hand, unbalanced diet, with plenty of protein from fresh meat, fish, alcoholic beverages, drugs in general, certain medicines, along with chemical products; disturb the health of this important organ.

What helps the liver?

There are certain foods that help the liver to carry out its cleansing function. Furthermore, some foods have the capacity to strengthen and regenerate this organ. Artichokes, cardoons and Belgians endives are examples. That is why these ingredients are significant components in the recipes.

The food that is the best friend of the liver is undoubtedly the artichoke. It is an authentic medicine for the liver. Hepatic patients are often recommended to take artichoke extract, as it contains cynarin.

The artichoke is a very versatile horticultural product. It can be used raw, steamed, baked and as an ingredient in many dishes. Its look and taste are unique and pleasant.

Artichokes can be frozen. They may also be canned, although they lose their best properties this way.

Women on oral contraceptives whose estrogens need to be metabolised and excreted by the liver will benefit from abundant intake of artichokes.

What helps the gall bladder?

The gall bladder stores bile secreted by the liver. This organ later empties its contents into the intestine in order to help in digestion of fat.

Recipes made up of whole cereals and legumes prevent the development of bilary stones or gallstones which is the most common disorder of this organ.

These recipes are also recommended for those who have undergone gallbladder surgery.

– Compiled by Solomon Asaba