First Lady rallies for collective efforts in fight against human trafficking

First Lady Mrs Jeannette Kagame has said that if Rwandans apply collective efforts in fighting human trafficking, gender based violence and drug abuse, there is no doubt the vices could be controlled

Friday, October 10, 2014
First Lady Mrs Jeannette Kagame opens human trafficking meeting in Parliament- Kigali (Village Urugwiro)

First Lady Mrs Jeannette Kagame has said that if Rwandans apply collective efforts in fighting human trafficking, gender based violence and drug abuse, there is no doubt the vices could be controlled.

Mrs Kagame made the remarks while officiating a high level meeting aimed at tackling human trafficking and drug abuse in the country. The meet was held today at Parliament Buildings in Kigali.

"To deal with these problems we need collective efforts with the government the civil society and religious leaders… let’s also establish measures of handling those who fell victim of these vices and treat them humanely,” she said.

The First Lady also pointed out that the issue of human trafficking is not unique to Rwanda but a vice worldwide.

The dialogue comes after President Paul Kagame also expressed concerns over cases of human trafficking.

During the dialogue, the Inspector General of Police, Emmanuel Gasana presented cases of human traffickers arrested in Rwanda saying that security organs have effectively neutralized all attempts of human trafficking throughout Rwanda.

Justice Minister, Johnson Busingye, expressed concern over the light sentences handed to humans traffickers and drug abusers, calling for heavier punishments.