Letter of the week: Ladies, please dress appropriately

Editor, Women all around the world love to look good. Everyone wants to wear clothes that make them attractive. I do believe that your clothes should be according to your body type. It is absolutely right that women should wear what suits them regardless of what is in style.

Wednesday, October 08, 2014


Editor, Women all around the world love to look good. Everyone wants to wear clothes that make them attractive. I do believe that your clothes should be according to your body type. It is absolutely right that women should wear what suits them regardless of what is in style.

If you don’t dress up according to your age, height and weight, you sometimes become a source of amusement for the people around you. Fashion is instant language and I think it should send decent vibes to your surroundings.

It is not a question of what’s comfortable or a certain area of your body you are confident about; rather, it is about the message you are sending to the young people. Some things just look childish at a certain point.

Also, while ageing, parts of your body may become unattractive, like the skin of your upper arms and your inner thighs. This is not cool at all, but I’m not saying it’s shabby. I have seen several women look chic and elegant without looking indecent or shabby.

Unless you are a musician, actress or model – the only professions that look at indecency as a style - the rest should dress smartly and appropriately.

Yvonne Rugwizangoga