Recipes for your arteries

Pumped by the heart the blood takes oxygen and nutrients via the appropriate ducts―arteries and capillary vessels―to all cells thought the organism.

Sunday, October 05, 2014

Pumped by the heart the blood takes oxygen and nutrients via the appropriate ducts―arteries and capillary vessels―to all cells thought the organism.

Red blood cells carry oxygen, and blood plasma transports nutrients and other vital elements. The elimination of waste substances such as carbon dioxide and various substances produced by cellular metabolism is carried out when blood circulates through the veins on its way to the heart.

It is important that the central pump is in a good working condition and the carrier is in top condition. But it is no less important that the circulation channels are kept clean and clear so that blood may circulate freely with no obstacles.

Arteries may become clogged or may lose their necessary elasticity due to an unhealthy lifestyle or a poor diet. Hardening of arteries (arteriosclerosis) is the most wide spread serious disease in the western world. Arteries undergo a normal hardening process due to age: however, an adequate lifestyle may significantly delay this process.

It is important to know that arteriosclerosis and high blood pressure are the main risk factors for myocardial infarction and for cerebral vascular strokes.

Preserved arteries

The best diet to keep our arteries in their healthiest condition is undoubtedly vegetarian, due to its low sodium content and its zero cholesterol content.

Furthermore, a diet based on vegetables may help arterial regeneration, as it reduces cholesterol deposits and improves elasticity.

It is never too late to start a healthier diet. Besides, a good diet not only helps the entire organism to recover, but also pleases the palate. When taste is trained or restrained do not need to be incompatible when it comes to diet.