Tough measures needed to check drug trafficking

Editor, in my book, drug trafficking is much worse than drug abuse.

Wednesday, October 01, 2014


Allow me to react to the article, "Woman held over drug trafficking” (The New Times, September 29).

In my book, drug trafficking is much worse than drug abuse. Unlike the latter, which is increasingly recognised as a sickness, mainly propelled by the often uncontrollable power of addiction, the former is driven by pure avarice; the lust to amass money by any means, including through cultivating and then feeding the habits, insecurities and frailties of fellow human beings.

Addiction to drugs or any other noxious substance often starts very early in life, debilitating and blighting the addict’s entire life as well as those of the people around them.

The police should focus on interdicting drug trafficking, including through arresting traffickers and getting them effectively prospected and handed lengthy sentences.

Sensitising people about the dangers and costs of any substance abuse is a shared responsibility of each one of us.

Preventing, eradicating and treating addictions to any and all substances (including drugs and alcohol) should also be the responsibility of all of us, not just the police or other arm of government, and it should start very early in the home, extending into school, church, temple, mosque or club and association.

Mwene Kalinda