Support new cabinet

Editor, Reference is made to the article, “What does the new cabinet bring to the table?” (The New Times, July 25).

Monday, July 28, 2014


Reference is made to the article, "What does the new cabinet bring to the table?” (The New Times, July 25). Change in leadership is a great thing, recognising good performance is always a good thing; some ministries need more attention.

In the Ministry of Infrastructure, I thought Prof. Silas Lwakabamba was the man to drive it forward because he has the clout and the acumen to build regional and international support and consensus given the pivotal projects underway.

Also the Ministry of Local Government needs also to bring back the innovations we saw in the mid 2000’s. This ministry had some innovations that died out. We also need to see civil society grow from strength to strength, beyond just government services being efficient….

Above all, the President has made the decisions on our leaders; we can only support them to deliver on their mandate.

SD, Rwanda