FDLR must disarm unconditionally

Editor, Reference is made to Albert Rudatsimburwa’s article, “Why Rwandans should be so unkind to whoever wants to play with their safety” (The New Times, July 8).

Friday, July 11, 2014


Reference is made to Albert Rudatsimburwa’s article, "Why Rwandans should be so unkind to whoever wants to play with their safety” (The New Times, July 8).

Exactly; no negotiations with "génocidaires turned terrorists”. These have been allowed to run free for two decades—already unacceptable—and create havoc in the region. And the growing talk of negotiations? That’s adding insult to injury.

Indecency does not even begin to cover it...but then again, decency is a concept that international systems singularly lack. Disappointingly, self-serving interests too often seem to prevail.

Diyana, Rwanda


The United Nations and all those busybody envoys should stop this entire BS – no one wants the FDLR to disband, least of all Monusco and their chief FDLR cheerleader Hervé Ladsous. We are all grownups; we know what these games mean. I hope Rwanda is not forced to take matters into its own hands—again.

Nyokabi, Nairobi, Kenya