Trevidic’s probe has exposed Western media

Editor, Refer to the story, “Trevidic’s plane crash probe ends; Hutu extremists to blame” (The New Times, July 9).

Friday, July 11, 2014
Judge, Marc Trevidic. Net.


Refer to the story, "Trevidic’s plane crash probe ends; Hutu extremists to blame” (The New Times, July 9).

Now that this shoddily manufactured piece of fiction has exploded into smithereens, which should leave the French ‘justice’ system and its driving political establishment thoroughly discredited in the eyes of the world—if the world had a true media independent of Big Power interest instead of being their lapdogs and loudspeakers—let us see what perjurers offer us next from their fertile and fetid minds.

Even knowing how thoroughly servile the Western media is to Western country’s interests vis-à-vis small non-Western countries like Rwanda, I remain completely shocked how none of their major media houses failed to point out the multitude of glaringly huge holes in the story spun by Judge Jean-Louis Bruguière in his indictment against the entire top RPF leadership.

Given France’s close and well-documented implication in the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi and France’s interest in shutting up or drowning out Rwandan accusations, this French judge’s action and the basis on which it was constructed should have attracted very close scrutiny by a truly independent investigatory press.  That it never did tells us a lot about the driving ideology of the Western press and its close collaboration with the centres of power, of which it is an integral party.

Mwene Kalinda, Rwanda