The story corner: Kigazu the cow (Part 2)

Meanwhile back in the village, everyone was very sad. Mzee Fidel was the saddest man in the village because Kigazu was very dear to him. 

Monday, August 18, 2008

Meanwhile back in the village, everyone was very sad. Mzee Fidel was the saddest man in the village because Kigazu was very dear to him. 

Days passed and there was still no sign of Kigazu’s return. Everyone started to become thinner and thinner by the day. They cried for Kigazu’s milk but there was none.

One day Mzee Fidel was sitting in his hut and was wondering what to do next. He finally decided to go and look for Kigazu and vowed not to return until he found his lost cow.

So he woke up early the next day and set off in his quest for Kigazu. He walked east over the hills and valleys and past the forests.

Whenever he found someone he would ask them if they had seen Kigazu. But no one had seen the cow. He continued walking and did not give up until he reached the village in Tanzania where Kigazu was.

Far away he saw cows grazing and one of them looked like Kigazu! He started running toward the cows and Kigazu ran to Mzee Fidel. They hugged and Mzee Fidel danced around Kigazu because he was very happy.

No one in that village knew who Mzee Fidel was so they asked him what he wanted with the cow. He told them he was the owner of Kigazu.

They said that there was nothing to prove what he said. He told them that to know who the real owner was, they should walk in different directions the cow will follow whoever she belonged to. So they all made a deal.

They walked in different directions and Kigazu followed Mzee Fidel. Thereafter, everyone in the village in Tanzania said bye to Kigazu and thanked the cow for the milk she used to give them.

Mzee Fidel took Kigazu back to Rusumo village in eastern Rwanda. Even though everyone had become very thin, they were very happy to see Kigazu. They celebrated for days and Kigazu gave them more milk than ever before.
