RPF cadres tipped on fighting unemployment

Career guidance is an important aspect in the fight against unemployment, senior cadres and commissioners of and Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) have been told.

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Career guidance is an important aspect in the fight against unemployment, senior cadres and commissioners of and Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF) have been told.

This was during the launch of a two-day training session for 125 party officials on management issues, yesterday.

According to Wellars Gasamagera, an RPF commissioner, the training targeted high ranking party members, who will thereafter share the lessons with people at the grassroots.

"Career guidance is an important step in addressing unemployment. Education system that churns out more job creators than seekers is what we desire,” said Zulfat Mukarubega, the RPF vice chairperson, Kicuciro District.

She challenged professionals to develop reading habits and continue research, especially in their areas of specialisation even after school.

"Continued research does not only improve your expertise but also keeps you relevant to the job market,” she added.

Gasamagera called upon parents to encourage their children to take on courses that offer not only theoretical but practical solutions.

He emphasised the importance of adult education, if the country will ever have a productive and knowledgeable population.

"Seeking knowledge or academic qualification has no age limit,” he noted.

Wilson Wamala, the youth representative at the RPF National Executive Committee emphasised the need for youth to take on technical and vocational courses as part of efforts to curb unemployment.