Bruce Melody and Jay Polly on keeping it simple

When it comes to fashion, very few people can point out confidently that they are within the limits of being trendy and smart at the same time. In the on-going interviews with PGGSS 4 contestants, RnB/rock star Bruce Melody and self-proclaimed King of Hip-Hop Jay Polly open up about their fashion style. 

Tuesday, June 03, 2014
Jay polly (L) and Bruce Melody

When it comes to fashion, very few people can point out confidently that they are within the limits of being trendy and smart at the same time. In the on-going interviews with PGGSS 4 contestants, RnB/rock star Bruce Melody and self-proclaimed King of Hip-Hop Jay Polly open up about their fashion style.  

"No one inspires my fashion style"Bruce melody

How would describe yourself? 

First of all I’m human, so I won’t say that I have no faults but I’m a humble, hardworking and down to earth person. 

How would you describe your fashion style? 

My fashion style is simple but smart. Although it usually depends on my work schedule.

What or who inspires your style? 

No one in particular. Usually, if I think I am smart no one will convince me otherwise.

What do you think of youngsters who imitate your hairstyle or fashion? 

I don’t have a weird fashion sense, so I think I would be very happy about it. It’s like meeting someone singing to one of my songs. 

Who is your fashion icon? 

That would be Diamond, a musician in Tanzania. 

Where do you shop for clothes? 

I have a designer in Nyamirambo who always gets me clothes when he goes shopping because I get little time to travel and shop. 

What is the most you have ever paid for an outfit or a pair of shoes? 

I bought a suit (it’s green and white) when I was in Uganda shooting a video that cost me $286. 

What do you do to keep your body healthy and fit? 

I try to eat healthy foods, I do sports sometimes, and I dance and regularly go for swimming. 

What kind of clothing item did you like as a child?

I loved dungarees and up to now they are still my favourite.

What are your favourite fashion accessories?

I love caps and shades.

What is your best fashion label?

I love all products by Louis Vuitton. They are stylish, trendy and durable. 

What is your favourite colour?

I like black, white and turquoise

What is your best fashion style on a woman?

I like a lady in a nice fitting dress (but that means she has to have a good figure) and a pair of high heels

What is your favourite cologne? 

I don’t have any favourite cologne. I like trying out different brands and I think it is good not to have a single scent that identifies an individual. 

What is the most ridiculous fashion style you have seen? 

Any person dressed as a clown looks very funny. 


"I don’t like to shock people" - Jay Polly

When you wake up in the morning, do you think about what you have to wear? 

If I’m going out of the house, I definitely put some thinking into what I have to wear but when at home, I just grab anything nearby.

What clothing item do you wear most? 

I like simple attires. T-shirts and jeans do the trick for me

Of all the fashion trends over the years, which one were you most excited about?

I was excited when sportswear was the in-thing.

Is there an international celebrity who influences your style or you look up to? 

I can’t point to a single celebrity but I would say that I love the old-school dress code complete with a du-rag. 

What do you wear when at work?

 I always make sure that my style doesn’t shock people. I like clean, smart and respectable attires.   

What is the most treasured item in your closet? 

I have three complete tracksuits in my closet. I love tracksuits a lot and they are my favourite. 

What is your dream fashion accessory?

At the moment I have everything that I want although I wish I would have samples of my old attires so that I can put them in a closet to always show people how far I have come in terms of fashion. 

What type of clothes can you never put on? 

That would be tattered jeans and skinny jeans. I can never be caught putting them on. 

What fashion accessories are always in your travel bag?

I always move with a deodrant, perfume, earrings, du-rag, hair-lotion and a watch. 

What is the one electronic device you can never live without? 

They are actually two; my laptop and my iphone. 

What is the most expensive item you have ever bought?

They are many but I have a pair of earrings I bought in Dubai at $150 and a Hermès belt I bought at $250. 

How would you like your girlfriend to dress?

I like ladies who dress in a respectable manner and not too flashy. 

What type of footwear are you most comfortable with? 

I like converse and casual rubber shoes

When is the last time you cleaned your closet?

I don’t clean my closet because my friends and brothers do that for me. They usually come around and take some clothes, so I can’t say that I do my own cleaning. 

What is your favourite perfume? 

I love Hugo Boss. My mother introduced me to Hugo Boss products and I have never looked back.