Bakassi handover is a good example

Dear editor, I learnt with great interest the new Nigerian move, to finally handover the potentially oil-rich Bakassi peninsula to Cameroon, a thing that will end a long-standing territorial dispute between two states.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Dear editor,

I learnt with great interest the new Nigerian move, to finally handover the potentially oil-rich Bakassi peninsula to Cameroon, a thing that will end a long-standing territorial dispute between two states.

I share the same sentiments with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon when he described the transfer of Bakassi as a model for negotiated settlements of border disputes.

Remember this was done amidst public cry. Bakassi has a rich fishing culture and people say the handover has destroyed their way of life.

In addition, their cries have basis since its offshore waters are thought to contain substantial oil fields. On the other hand, however the untapped oil fields due to border dispute between Nigeria and Cameroon will now be explored.

Bravo Nigeria in advance!