Can I eat sugary fruits despite diabetes?

Dear doctor; I have been diagnosed with what the doctor said is type 2 diabetes. What is this? I have been told to cut sugar out of my diet. Can I eat fruit? Is food with natural sugar ok to eat? Would you have any more feedback on the type of food that would be safe to eat?

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Dear doctor;

I have been diagnosed with what the doctor said is type 2 diabetes. What is this? I have been told to cut sugar out of my diet. Can I eat fruit? Is food with natural sugar ok to eat? Would you have any more feedback on the type of food that would be safe to eat?

Felicita, 24, Kayonza.

Dear Felicita,

If you are 24 that is a very young age to develop type 2 diabetes as that usually comes in middle years. Type 2 diabetes is a condition where body has insulin but either the quantity is less or body cells are resistant to its effect. This causes high blood sugar levels.  It is important to stop white sugar totally. This tends to increase total calories, obesity and blood sugar levels.  It has no nutritional value whatsoever.

Regarding fruits, if the blood sugar levels are high, all fruits should be avoided. Because fruits contain fructose (fruit sugar) that passes through the same metabolic pathway as other sugar thus augmenting blood sugar levels. Once blood sugar is controlled, fruits with low sugar like apple, orange, among others, can be taken regularly. Fruits rich in sugar like bananas should be taken sparingly like just one banana per day. Regarding natural sugars like honey, one can take in small quantity if diabetes is well controlled. But in case of high blood glucose levels, they should also be avoided. Fresh green vegetables, whole grains like wheat, bran, oats, among others, are good for diabetes patients. Milk without cream and low calorie milk products like fresh curd is useful. Fish is the ideal choice among animal products. One should avoid high fat containing substances like cheese, margarine, deep fried substances, among others. Quantity of food to be consumed depends on your height, weight and level of physical activity. A dietitian can work out the quantity of different food items to be consumed.