HOW TO: Prepare your children for school

School time is quickly approaching and parents are worried of what they should do for their school going children.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

School time is quickly approaching and parents are worried of what they should do for their school going children.

Shop for your children
Equipping your children with a bag full of school supplies, a new backpack and a few new items of clothing tends to motivate them.

Be organised
Try to ease back-to-school anxiety by being well prepared. Help your child to lay out his or her clothes and pack their backpack the night before.

Be sure to include a healthy lunch and a snack that your child can open and eat on his/her own.
Encourage your child to speak up and to let their teachers know if they’re having any problems at school premises and outside.

This is especially important if a child is getting bullied, which can happen even on the first day. They need to know they can and should talk to their teachers.

In touch
Make sure your children know their home and school address, phone number, and your mobile numbers. Teach them the difference between strangers and trusted adults, like teachers and police officers.

Know the road
Make sure your child has a safe route to school. If he or she is walking, find the quickest way with fewest streets and crossings.

Avoid places where there no people around to assist them in case of any problem. Do some practice walk especially for your young children to make them comfortable with the route.

If your child will be riding the bus, make sure he or she knows and can identify the bus number and the driver.

Good night’s sleep
If your child has a different sleeping schedule during term time, gradually implement it about a week before school starts.

Begin putting him or her to bed 10-15 minutes earlier each night and waking them earlier in the morning so that their sleeping schedule will be in place when school starts.