French troops were involved in the killings

Dear editor,Though France is consistently denying any responsibility in the 1994 Tutsi genocide, actions of French troops during that time tell the story.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Dear editor,
Though France is consistently denying any responsibility in the 1994 Tutsi genocide, actions of French troops during that time tell the story.

Among those named in the report were the late former President, Francois Mitterrand, and the then Prime Minister Eduardo Balladur.

Two men who went on to become Prime Ministers were also named - Alain Juppe, the Foreign Minister at the time, and his then chief aide, Dominique de Villepin.

All these men were aware and actually agreed to send troops to support the killers.

Surprisingly, France’s Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner denied French responsibility in connection with the genocide and merely called their involvement political.

This is great arrogance! How do you call an act that aided the brutal deaths of a million people, a mere political error!!

They continue to emphasize that the findings of the report can not be accepted. All the words they use (like shame, not acceptable), should instead be used against them.

France cannot continue fooling the world as everything concerning their acts in Rwanda is now out. Let those who committed the atrocities be indicted and brought before courts of law to answer the charges against them. 

Those who died were not animals or insects as the killers wanted the whole word to believe, their lives have value.