Why does my neck pain so much during menses?

Dear Doctor; Whenever my menstrual periods approach, I begin to experience neck pain. I usually have to resort to painkiller to relieve the pain. But this is not to say that I don’t experience the other forms of cramps. 

Sunday, March 02, 2014

Dear Doctor;

Whenever my menstrual periods approach, I begin to experience neck pain. I usually have to resort to painkiller to relieve the pain. But this is not to say that I don’t experience the other forms of cramps. And like the crumps, the neck pain subsides when my periods end. This has been ongoing for the last two years and I am 29 now, though still single. What could be the relationship between my neck pains the hormonal reactions?

Lindah, Butare.

Dear Lindah, 

Women usually suffer from abdominal pain and leg cramps during menstruation, a condition known as dysmenorrohoea.  This occurs due to changes in the hormonal status of the body. The uterus contracts to expel the shedding inner line, which causes pain in abdomen and pelvic area.  Some women are prone to have emotional changes during menses like increased anxiety or depression. This could result in fibromyalgia causing neck pain. 

Fibromyalgia is a condition causing heightened sensitivity to pain or pain due to stretching of muscle fibers. Exact cause of fibromyalgia is not known. But emotional, nutritional and genetic factors are said to be implicated. There are approximately 25 sites where pain of fibromyalgia can be felt, neck being one of them.

You should also consider other causes of neck pain like continuous desk work or working with computers, use of thick pillows, bad postures during sleeping. One or more of these factors may also be contributing to the neck pain. Start taking good nutritious food, keep correct working and sleeping postures, learn to relax and accept things as they come. These measures will help to minimise the pain during menstruation.