What is the objective of the BB Africa?

I stand to be corrected but I seem not see the reason as to why we have to watch the BBA.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I stand to be corrected but I seem not see the reason as to why we have to watch the BBA.

I have not had a chance to follow the sessions of how the housemates are selected in order for me to know the qualifications and requirements for one to join the house and compete for that ramp sum of money on top of spending days eating and drinking.

I am sorry but for the few days I have tried to follow the program, it is like I am subjected to watching idle minds which end up making mine idle too.

No wonder they end up falling in love and prove their looseness; they do not have what to talk about, nothing real binds them except eating and drinking all the time.

I don’t think what they are doing is good for our children, especially when we watch them naked, bathing or making love if not lust.

Can some one help me and explain why we should really have big brother in Africa?
