My students say they are victims of bullying

What advice would you give to a student (s) who have been bullied and lost interest in school?  Cathy, a teacher

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

What advice would you give to a student (s) who have been bullied and lost interest in school? 

Cathy, a teacher

Bullying is a vice common in most communities. The victims are characterized by inferiority complex in physical appearance (size, height), academic performance, shyness, inaudibility etc.

The bully feels superior and uses his state to command respect and recognition.

In such a case, students are advised to keep away from ganging up in groups which could lead to indiscplinary acts. This, as well, is a clear example in families where the eldest child tends to command respect, beat up his/her siblings and allocates work to his   siblings. 

In school, when such cases arise, students are advised to keep away from ganging in peer groups which could lead to school offences and severe punishments.

A bully-victim should talk to a trusted parent. Sometimes it’s not easy to confide in our parents because we don’t know what their reactions will be. If that fails, ask your friend to help you, "there’s safety in numbers.”

Maintain your identity, remember, "Character does the right thing when no one is watching,” keep calm, do not show the bully that you are sad or mad.

Avoid being in isolated places alone, engage with people after class time, you can go to the library, play ground or those places that have maximum supervision.   

Parents as well should talk to their children about "school life out of class”, this helps them follow up and curb such issues that could be affecting their children.

The school administration should put up and have policies that follow up students’ social wellbeing implemented. Even more, promote the engagement of students in co-curricular activities such as sports, reading competitions, music, dance and drama, and many more that promote student socialism.

In conclusion, bullying is a vice in so many institutions including our very own homes. 

This therefore is a call to the education officers to always asses the conditions of the people they take charge of to make sure they or not victims or administrators of bullying.

We all know this vice like any other gradually worsens over time, beware..!!

Answered by Sandra Mutoni

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