The wedding that was...

Last night I had a dream; I was enfolded in white and quaffed to perfection. The aisle on which I walked was magnificently decorated with red roses and white lilies. My favourite band was playing. My dad was holding my hand and leading me towards the man whose first words melted my knees. It was my wedding day!

Thursday, February 06, 2014

Last night I had a dream; I was enfolded in white and quaffed to perfection. The aisle on which I walked was magnificently decorated with red roses and white lilies. My favourite band was playing. My dad was holding my hand and leading me towards the man whose first words melted my knees. It was my wedding day!

Before I could reach my boo’s hand I was rudely awakened by the soundtrack of one of my favourite films ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary’. It was the film I was watching before I was drifted away to paradise. 

Now for some of you that have no idea what ‘Bridget Jones’s Diary’ is about, it is a film I recommend, especially for the worried and desperate men and women who think time is running out. 

Moving on, I will have you know that marriage frequently crosses my mind, in fact the idea of having kids and a husband has not left my mind since I was five years old and that’s a very long time ago trust me.

However, there is only one thing that has stood between me and marriage - the person to say ‘YES’ to. Now, let us just move a little bit away from me and discuss a bit about other men and women who are facing the same problem.

Not so long ago I was engulfed in a very exciting conversation with a man whose interest in marriage was a bit overwhelming. This man mentioned the word ‘marriage’ even when I attempted to talk about football. 

Now without exaggerating, the word marriage was mentioned 66,736 times and that is no joke. (And yes I record my conversations, so I counted). 

Now there is no doubt that there are those men and women who are happily married within the first six months of their relationship and there are those who are not but are content. I belong in neither but I think the desperate ones should take a chill pill and breathe.

Anyway to cut my long story short, I picked my handbag and dashed for the door quicker than a shooting star when the man suggested we should get married and we fall in love later! Are you on crack brother!!?

People, in a nutshell, the message I am trying to convey is that your time is coming and yes, marriage is good, but if you do not get it, no worries. i strongly believe in ‘ blessings in disguise’ because it is not always paradise there.