Women need extra hygiene

Mary’s routine is shower in the morning and wear perfume, then dash off to work. Most women waste so much time wearing perfume over unhygienic bodies. Sometimes a bad smell is more repulsive than an ugly photo.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mary’s routine is shower in the morning and wear perfume, then dash off to work. Most women waste so much time wearing perfume over unhygienic bodies. Sometimes a bad smell is more repulsive than an ugly photo.Carrying on a life that is meant to be private in public is a breach of taste, common sense and mental hygiene. That means one must not bring their awful stench to the public in the name of ignorance. Paying attention to your body and being aware of any sudden changes, any sudden variations in your feminine odour is a sign your body is telling you something is wrong, and it should be heeded.Feminine odour changes throughout a normal monthly menstrual cycle, and is subject to outside situations such as the presence of bacteria, foods that you eat and hormonal functions.Women who are overweight also need to pay a special attention. Lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle causes increased weight and obesity and subsequently leads to bad odour.I had the pleasure of living in Tanzania for a few months. Tanzanian women in my humble opinion are Africa’s best husband keepers. They take special pride and extreme care to ensure that they smell good  for their husbands all the time. They understand that this can not be achieved simply by showering and wearing perfume. A Tanzanian woman will shower as often as she feels she is getting a little sweaty. For example, after cooking she will shower just to ensure that when they are eating the only smell at the table is that of the food. Believe it or not, your natural discharge and oils are an important form of protection against infections. The vagina produces its own natural discharges as part of it self-cleaning process. Excessive washing, douching, or using harsh cleaners and soaps strip away this protective barrier, leaving you more vulnerable to infections that cause odour and discomfort. Rinse your external genital with warm water and use only mild soap if you must. Never clean inside the vagina.Remember that every woman has a certain smell to her vagina. If you feel that the smell is offensive, onsets suddenly or warrants a trip to the doctor, don’t wait too long.