Uncle Austin ventures into gospel music

UNCLE AUSTIN, the singer and radio presenter is seeking to have a big year musically.  Largely known for secular music, he is looking to release his first gospel album.

Friday, January 17, 2014
Uncle Austin. The New Times/File.

UNCLE AUSTIN, the singer and radio presenter is seeking to have a big year musically.  Largely known for secular music, he is looking to release his first gospel album. "This year I will release my first gospel album and this weekend I am releasing my first single off the album. However I am not moving away from my pervious style of music. I will do both,” said Uncle Austin.He said what has prompted him to try out gospel is the demand from his fans, who prefer gospel music to secular music."I regularly go to church and have lately realised that I have a big fan base in church. That has encouraged me and I have decided to have two albums out to diversify and reach them. I already have a single out. I did the song with Ben Kairanga and I am releasing another this weekend,” he added.He said one doesn’t necessarily have to be born again to be a gospel artiste; it only requires believing in God."For a long time there has been negative perceptions about secular artistes, I want to clear that image and show that they are in no way the negative people they are perceived to be. As a believer, nothing stops me from making gospel music,” said the Umugisha Wundi singer.On how he will balance his music and career, Austin says he has it all figured out and the schedule planned to ably balance the two.The artiste who was in the news lately on allegations of issuing a bounced cheque said that all that is water under the bridge and the issue has since been sorted out and he was cleared.