My top 5 New Year resolutions

There is this restaurant in school where all the rich and cool kids eat from. Well, this year, I have to also show my face there. I will make sure everyone sees me and gets to know that I ate from there. Another thing, I will go with someone whose phone can take cool pictures and I post some of them on Facebook so that incase the news doesn’t reach some people, then Facebook will do the gossip.

Friday, January 10, 2014

There is this restaurant in school where all the rich and cool kids eat from. Well, this year, I have to also show my face there. I will make sure everyone sees me and gets to know that I ate from there. Another thing, I will go with someone whose phone can take cool pictures and I post some of them on Facebook so that incase the news doesn’t reach some people, then Facebook will do the gossip. Join Whatsapp  I see my girlfriend smiling every now and then when she receives a Whatsapp message and because I don’t know how it operates, I am always put down when I complain; claiming they are just funny ‘smilies’. What on earth is a smilie? I don’t know if I will have to sell my father’s shoes at home but I have to get a phone with Whatsapp. Have a semester without a retake  Ever since I entered campus, I am one of the students that never goes a semester without repeating one of my modules. For goodness sake this is 2014; I can’t keep performing badly and blaming it on the professors when my parents confront me. I want to be a changed being. I am tired of being the loser of failures. Last semester I heard a friend laughing and telling her peer that, "How fake can you be, even the campus inspector beat you by 10 marks?” By then I had 19% so you can imagine how dumb she was. Be the cool kid There is this boy who wears big shoes and has a chain on his neck. If I am not wrong it weighs over a tone but he seems to have his way around the ladies. Why not also spend a few francs and get myself some of his style? Never know what will turn out. I may also be the ladies wine. Become a musician  One day I decided to count just how many artistes we have in our class and the number was quite shocking. Some of them are even lousier than I am. I decided this year I should also visit the studio; my dance movies aren’t so bad either. If everything fails, you will see me in one of those videos as a dancer or the cute guy that the ladies fight for.