e-books or good old book reading? (It’s no fun carrying books around)

Imagine leaving work one evening and getting stuck in traffic on the way home. What do you do? I must thank God for whoever invented soft copy books. He saved our lives.   All one has to do is pull out a Smartphone, go to e-book and you are sorted. This will also help when you are waiting in line somewhere, say the bank, or even at a bus stop.

Thursday, January 09, 2014
Patrick Buchana

Imagine leaving work one evening and getting stuck in traffic on the way home. What do you do? I must thank God for whoever invented soft copy books. He saved our lives.   All one has to do is pull out a Smartphone, go to e-book and you are sorted. This will also help when you are waiting in line somewhere, say the bank, or even at a bus stop.Thanks to this, I don’t have to carry a book around just because I am going to a place where I might have to wait a bit. The last time I checked, most of the books people in Africa read are from America and Europe with 7 of Amazon’s 10 best sellers being from the two mentioned continents. Now just imagine for every book someone wants to read, they have to order for it online, wait for it to be sent and probably by the time it gets here, people that have read and talked about it over and over again. On the other hand, with the e-books, all you need is the money to buy it and get it done with in just a few minutes. When I was in high school, someone would bring a nice novel and for me to get my hands on it and read it, I would have to queue behind 50 other people that booked it before I did. This is the 21st Century for goodness sake; we can’t keep rolling in that system. All you have to do now is ask a friend with it, share it so that others can read it too.  With people sitting on computers all day, opticians are selling like hot cake. People have eye problems now more than ever. With e-book, someone can adjust the size of the letters and have a comfortable read while a person with an eye problem reading a hard copy book looks funny pulling it very close or far away from their eyes.With all these campaigns on saving trees, I think it is a smart move that we swiftly move to a paperless economy. Of course we shall give one exemption which is toilet paper but otherwise, I think we are good to go and e-books are the future. There is a time for everything, and I’m sorry but the time for sitting around gazing at books is long gone. Technology is here to make life easier otherwise we might as well go back to the Stone Age period, If people moved on from writtings on walls, we can surely embrace soft copies. After all, they are in fcat so much easier - you have a phone and books all warpped into one!