Start the term with a positive attitude

Generally speaking, school has never been total fun to most students especially at the secondary school level. To some, school seems like another kind of mild prison since it comes with all these rules and regulations that always seem to spoil one’s comfort zone while at school.

Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Generally speaking, school has never been total fun to most students especially at the secondary school level. To some, school seems like another kind of mild prison since it comes with all these rules and regulations that always seem to spoil one’s comfort zone while at school. It is not only school rules and regulations that make some students unhappy about school; they are several other things that bring students to dislike the school environment such as bullying, failure to meet academic targets, feeding badly and many others that you can add to the list if you have been a student. Certainly this makes school life hard to endure for some students.At the end of the day, even with the tough school rules and regulations and others things mentioned above, they’re some students who always decide to live beyond the imperfections and the so called impossibilities of all school drama. This reminds me of a friend of mine back in school who was ever jolly with a smile on her face as a constant. And so once I asked her the secret behind her jolly life. She simply laughed and told me that "being happy all the time doesn’t mean everything is perfect, it is just that I know how to live beyond the imperfections.” To be honest I was really touched and thrilled to hear that and indeed she did give me something to think about. Personally I came to realise that this friend of mine lived a jolly life basically by having a positive attitude about school life and therefore everything around her seemed to be fun while many other students were cursing whoever came up with the idea of studying.  This actually channels my mind deep towards our recent civic academy for high school finalists (Itorero ry’igihugu) by the time we arrived at our site, my friends and I obviously had the usual negative attitude about everything. We were very terrified and had in mind that life was going to be so hard. But surprisingly it seems like the soldiers and the site manager had sensed that kind of attitude among us, and thus they all emphasised and encouraged us to have a positive attitude about everything around us. And eventually we all decided to be happy and enjoy our new life experience and thus fun came into existence and definitely this worked in our favor despite enduring all the tough moments that often come with the whole civic academy experience as many of you know.My sincere advice therefore is that always have a positive attitude towards school, see everything as if they were put in place for your enjoyment, take exams as your best friend and don’t forget to enjoy school life because it’s memories last forever. More importantly, have a positive attitude towards teachers because they are there to guide and facilitate your academic journey.