Is my child too sick for school?

My 11-year-old daughter refused to go to school the other day claiming sickness. I agreed with her and took her to see a doctor who said she had a mild fever. What bothered me is how I was not able to tell that she was ill. What common symptoms should I be looking out for?

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

My 11-year-old daughter refused to go to school the other day claiming sickness. I agreed with her and took her to see a doctor who said she had a mild fever. What bothered me is how I was not able to tell that she was ill. What common symptoms should I be looking out for?Daisy, KimironkoDear Daisy, you did the right thing by listening to your daughter and taking her to see a doctor. It shows that you believed what she said (trust) but you also took her to a doctor to be sure so she will have to think twice about telling lies. Like all human beings children also fall sick sometimes. However it is also true that many do not enjoy going to school and will look for any excuse to stay home and watch cartoons all day. So much as you are not a trained medical personnel, it pays to be aware of the common symptoms of common illnesses. For the common fever you have to check for a rise in temperature or frequent vomiting and also if she complains of a terrible headache. You can observe the child for a while and if you see no improvement then you can visit a doctor. Unless your child has a known allergy, if her eyes are suddenly red then there is cause for you to worry. Other common symptoms to watch out for include diarrhoea or a constant stomach ache. Then we have the sore throat and the cold. For all cases you should not only think about your child. She may not be so sick and therefore able to attend school but she could also be spreading diseases to her friends. Anytime you see the symptoms persisting then you should check with a doctor.