A New Year…a new person?

This is going to sound so selfish but what the heck…I really love myself. I refuse to believe that I have a wicked bone in my body – granted, I’m not the best person in the world (is there any such thing?) I have my moments of weakness and sure, like other human beings I make mistakes and fall short of the beautiful things expected of me.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

This is going to sound so selfish but what the heck…I really love myself. I refuse to believe that I have a wicked bone in my body – granted, I’m not the best person in the world (is there any such thing?) I have my moments of weakness and sure, like other human beings I make mistakes and fall short of the beautiful things expected of me.

But never have I or will I ever wish to be someone else or change who I am (unless someone assured me I was Jezebel’s clone). Change is good, but if that change takes me away from the not-so-bad girl that I am, then I do not want it.This brings me to one chick on a mission to vanish and come back as someone else. Some friends were talking about how to do things differently next year. Honestly, when the conversation started, I thought it was about saving money or going to Church more often or even losing some weight. I totally understand changing your lifestyle or even silly mannerisms, your hairstyle even. What I don’t understand is changing almost your whole life. Who gets up in the morning and says they are moving to another city just to see what it’s like? Gosh…you might as well change your name while you are at it. Don’t get me wrong; there is nothing wrong with adjusting your life a little. But this isn’t a little, this is someone just out of the blue switching to another religion, this is someone suddenly ‘going green’ and pissing you off every time you do something that ‘endangers the planet’, this is someone all of a sudden realising just how cool it is to be a vegetarian. Normally I would be glad with the latter because that means more meat for me when she’s around, but for some reason it is bothering me. I know I am supposed to be glad that my buddy is taking global warming seriously but if I wanted a three hour sermon on the subject, I would call my 60-year-old uncle to take it on. Right now I am dodging my friend because she insists on talking to me about ‘living healthier’ when all I really want to do is talk about the crazy stuff I read on Facebook! I hide because she will see me eating meat and point out just how badly I am poisoning my body but with no successful result I can assure you. And I’m not the only one hiding…yeah, that’s a new arrangement alright!