Of men and beards

Asked to draw an image of whom they perceive God to be, most would draw an image of a faily old white man with a flowing white beard. For a reason that may be beyond explanation, a flowing white beard is beautiful and majestic. But unfortunately, few of us spot such, instead some have miniature shrubs that spread unevenly across their chins and down the Adam’s apple that pokes those they hug.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Asked to draw an image of whom they perceive God to be, most would draw an image of a faily old white man with a flowing white beard. For a reason that may be beyond explanation, a flowing white beard is beautiful and majestic. But unfortunately, few of us spot such, instead some have miniature shrubs that spread unevenly across their chins and down the Adam’s apple that pokes those they hug.

Others grow goatees that they stroke proudly as if they worked to achieve it. There is also a breed that has beards that defy definition; part bushy, part goatees, part heave- knows-what.But despite some being unsightly, we hold on to them as if were it not for them, we would lose our title as men and take on the title ‘boy’. We hold on to the beards without realising that at times the longer they get, the less ladies see of us and the older we look.Beards are wonderful things in that they, for some, come off as a trademark which most people can easily identify them with but if left unattended could be identified for the wrong reasons.Though they enhance our looks, they could also make us look bad when left to take a life of their own without ‘guidance’.To begin with not all beards are meant to be reared, if yours grows as the unevenly spread miniature shrubs, it does not count as a beard and should be shaved as soon as it appears.As much as sideburns are said to attract ladies, one should never get too carried away by them. Begin by making sure they are even because God has a sense of humour. Also do not let them grow covering your ears. If you have to trim your sideburns, trim them evenly or else no one will take you seriously.Dyeing your beard is out of the question unless you are a comedian who has run out of jokes and needs to stay relevant. By dyeing them you come off as one seeking and struggling to get attention.Stubbles are fine as long as they do not go poking the ladies you hug, or carry bread crumbs from your breakfast all day.Most of all have a beard that goes with your attire and day job. You can’t be always in a suit while your beard is sweeping the floor. You can’t be a bank teller with a goatee that distracts clients. As much as you may ask that the beard does you justice, treat it nicely.