Fespad can make a change

Dear editor, The on going cultural festival in Rwanda (Fespad) should help Rwandans and all other Africans to uphold their culture. Africans lost a lot when they changed their original way of living and embraced the Western one.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Dear editor,

The on going cultural festival in Rwanda (Fespad) should help Rwandans and all other Africans to uphold their culture. Africans lost a lot when they changed their original way of living and embraced the Western one.

Now that there is an effort to revive it, hope is knocking on our doors. However, the problem is not far from over, as we continue to mix our culture with the one borrowed from far.

Look at the way the event started, it was more of the Western style than the African one. We should have one and only one culture that does not have to borrow the unnecessary. I wish all participants all the best.
