Bangles add flavour to an outfit

Most women have tendencies of wearing bangles as a ‘by the way’ without considering that they actually bring out the flavour in an outfit. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Most women have tendencies of wearing bangles as a ‘by the way’ without considering that they actually bring out the flavour in an outfit. 

Today, bangles have been highlighted as fashion accessories that blend well with any outfit, making an outfit more attractive. 

Bangles are jewelry although they are made out of a variety of material ranging from wooden pieces, cloth, plastic and metals such as gold, silver and many more. 

It’s constantly said that jewelry is the perfect way to bring life to an outfit and enhance a fashion statement. 

According to an article "7 Rules for Wearing Statement Jewelry” published at, cuff bracelets are an excellent choice if you want to wear a statement piece. To show off, leave your bare arms especially if you are wearing a cuff over a slim-fitting one colour long sleeve top. Stick to one cuff to create a focal point. Bangles are another great option. 

Just remember that if you would like to stack a number of bangles together, stick to one arm only. Keep to a maximum of six bangles at a time as a general rule of thumb to avoid overdoing it and make sure that the bangles’ colours and patterns complement each other. When layering bangles, throwing in some gold or silver always looks great.

It’s also cool to wear bangles that have colour that is within the outfit but not too much of it. Remember the common English saying ‘too much of something is bad’?