Hygiene and Education

 I have found that this does not wait until the children have gained academic qualifications and found jobs. With best practices of hygiene from an early age, right from the start of their schooling, children become agents of changes, able to influence the hygienic behaviour of their parents and siblings and even improve their own living conditions.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I have found that this does not wait until the children have gained academic qualifications and found jobs. With best practices of hygiene from an early age, right from the start of their schooling, children become agents of changes, able to influence the hygienic behaviour of their parents and siblings and even improve their own living conditions.This can also prevent frequent diseases that arise from improper hygiene practices like diarrhoea, intestinal infections which may cause poor performance and dropping out of school. Children can learn about and practice good hygiene in ways that match their different stages of development. Different teachers’ will use participatory methods that encourage the sharing of home and school experiences such as songs and role-playing. Different schools mostly primary schools may ask "Can our 6 -12 year- olds still acquire hygiene education?” And I would like to answer them by saying yes. Basic hygiene education will provide them with skills which will help them to grow up as healthy and responsible children. Schools, parents and guardians, this is the time to teach the young generation about hygiene. Not only giving them those skills but also how to implement them by being good examples.The writer is a S5 student at Riviera High School