2014! A year older and a year wiser?

How did this year go by so fast?  This year has been pretty good but for once in my life I actually feel like I could do better and know exactly where I should do better and acknowledge that there is room for improvement. First step is acceptance right?

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

How did this year go by so fast?  This year has been pretty good but for once in my life I actually feel like I could do better and know exactly where I should do better and acknowledge that there is room for improvement. First step is acceptance right?

One of the steps to improvement is fixing up the financial part of my life. I really hope to achieve a good savings account whereby I do not have to worry about certain unplanned events popping up and not being prepared. Also another thing you may not know about me is that one day I eventually plan on going back for graduate school and I’m hoping my savings really come in handy.

I just read a story online and the writer was telling a story about how as a child, she was always prepared for the worst but as she grew older, she began to care less and didn’t have a savings account because according to her, she knew her expenses and lived within her own means and wasn’t worried about the unexpected. However, she did realise that as she approached the end of her 20s, her views would change in her own interest.

Personally, I also see my savings as a way to help me achieve the little joys in life such as travelling. I have a few trips lined up with my friends locally and internationally and I cannot wait so this will definitely be a motivation to save my pennies. It’s time I stop talking about all these lovely places I want to visit and actually start seeing them.

Also another part of my life I see room for improvement is the need to respect and fulfil my passions.  I know I have spoken about this before in this column but I really do not think enough women are doing it, including me. I think we fall into what society expects from us and not follow our dreams. I know some dreams may not be realistic but the point is to pursue something and achieve it. 

I read the other day about how the lovely artist and former wife of the GOAT Nas (yes he’s my favourite rapper); Ms. Kelis attended famous culinary school, Le Cordon Bleu, and specialised in sauces and recently released her own line of specialty sauces. This woman already had a career in the music industry but she wanted to share something with the world and that was her culinary talent. If we could share whatever special talent we have with the world, I think people would live a happier life.

I’m hoping by putting these two missions out into the world and sharing it with you my friends, it will actually happen. 

So ladies, please send your comments or email me your new mission for  2014! Can’t wait to see them all.