Afraid of graduation

Well before graduation, every child is warmly welcomed home for the holidays. The second they don that black gown and get their degree, the attitude around the house suddenly changes and the child becomes like the guest that won’t leave. In other words, they want you out of the house as soon as possible.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Well before graduation, every child is warmly welcomed home for the holidays. The second they don that black gown and get their degree, the attitude around the house suddenly changes and the child becomes like the guest that won’t leave. In other words, they want you out of the house as soon as possible. Lucky for me, I’ve successfully managed to repeat my third year so I still have this year and next year to warm up for leaving my parent’s house. I learnt a lesson from my counterparts that left last year. Unfortunately the dress code suddenly changed and it puzzled me. The nice shirts and shoes they used to wear were no longer in existence. They later tipped me off that they used to wear their dad’s shoes and shirts. It also hit me that without my dad being home, I wouldn’t have socks and the nice perfume I always wear. Yes, it’s the perfume that got me all the ladies. One of my friends took his degree home, he thought because he had a first class he would be respected, unfortunately for him, everyday he finds military brochures on his pillow. They send him to the village every now and then. Worst part of it is that even when you reach the village, your grand mother doesn’t expect you to sleep in her house. She believes you are supposed to go to a hotel or something. When she sees you entering the bedroom and resting your bags there, she will hand you the hoe the next morning. Last week I was seated home and my dad asked me how old I was. I immediately got a stomach ache because of fear I would be chased out soon. I answered, "I am only 22 and daddy I haven’t graduated yet.” He then looked at me and said, "You better graduate soon.” I guess I have no reason to celebrate because soon, I will also be out. He’s looking forward to my graduation, but my grades do not agree. I really don’t think I am leaving home anytime soon. Matter of fact, I even bought a new radio for my room. I am feeling so comfortable at home.