Drama as series producer takes away cutlery because of laziness in the TPF Academy

After the enjoyment of Tuesday’s meet and greet, Amos and Josh are riding pretty high. They went out and are still talking about the fans they met and the posters they saw with their names in the meet and greet crowd. They really enjoyed the activity, in fact they came back reinvigorated.

Thursday, November 14, 2013
Coach Kavutha

After the enjoyment of Tuesday’s meet and greet, Amos and Josh are riding pretty high. They went out and are still talking about the fans they met and the posters they saw with their names in the meet and greet crowd. They really enjoyed the activity, in fact they came back reinvigorated.However, due to the lack of cleaning and laziness that the contestants have been showing lately, the series producer took away their crockery and cutlery to teach them a lesson. The contestants were very unsettled about this and came up with a plan to ask for their stuff back. After their high intensity morning work-out with Coach Edu, the contestants had their counseling session with the counselors from KIBCo. It was a delightful session and everyone enjoyed the session as always.After the session, Coach Kavutha came in to help the contestants master their songs for the Sunday showcase. She listened in on the singing and reminded the contestants to watch their breathing, their tone and their ad libs.Working in groups and duets was a new challenge for the contestants. They would have to work on their performances, learn their songs and perfect their new partnership for a good performance. Josh, who has been split up from his partner Amos, is singing with Nyambura. The names were picked at random and it meant that the two also chose their song at random. The new duet is singing EmeliSande and Labrinth’s smash hit ‘Beneath Your Beautiful’. The combination of their voices is wonderful, though Coach Kavutha said the two of them need to watch how high they must sing when they rise.Patrick and Daisy sang the Boyz II Men smash hit ‘I’ll Make Love To You’. Their voices rose perfectly well and this is something that East Africa will definitely enjoy. Kavutha loved it but warned them to be careful when it came to their breathing and to their ad libs. Patrick and Daisy are great ad lib specialists. How will they hold up together?Hisia, Kojjo and Daisy sang in a trio, and it was Daisy and Kojjo who stood out. The usually timid singer from Uganda learned his lyrics thoroughly this time around and was thriving in the group setting. Hisia struggled with impromptu ad libs and ended up having to watch as Daisy sang the call and response with all the other contestants. In the second group, Coach Kavutha also encouraged Hisia to be the ‘animateur’ of the AwiloLongomba song ‘Carolina’ which he is performing with Josh and Phionah. Looks like Victor Seii has put together a crazy set that will get East Africa on their feet.Day’s Quote:"In a harmony line, the middle person connects the two other voices. That voice is the glue holding the performance together” Coach Kavutha.