Healthy Living:Mens sana in corpore sano

Mens sana in corpore sano-this is a word I learnt way back when I was in primary school. Coming from a staunch catholic family it was only natural for my mother to take her children to catholic schools, and this is where I learnt this word.  My former headmistress was a nun but this could not deter her to excel in other fields including sports. Sr. Mwasi could run and swim. She was my teacher but also my good friend. One day when she removed her veil to swim I asked her if it was allowed to do so, and that is when she quoted this word-Mens sana in corpore sano and went on to explain why she needed to take a rest from other things because she had so much responsibilities and that they were weighing her down.
Swimming can be relaxing
Swimming can be relaxing
Times Reporter