TNT journalist wins Africa rising video award

A video produced by The New Times’ journalist Faustin Niyigena, has won the best Africa rising award category in the Slum Film Festival. The mini documentary titled ‘Fastest Woman in Africa’ tells a story of a 21-year-old woman, Jeanne d'Arc Girubuntu, from a humble family in the Eastern Province of Rwanda, who made history by being the first African woman to compete in the 2015 UCI Road World Championships in Richmond, VA and in February 2016.
Video-photojournalist Faustin Niyigena holds his award as the winner in News Feature, Documentary and Magazine category during Development Journalism Competition in 2015 in Rwanda.....
Video-photojournalist Faustin Niyigena holds his award as the winner in News Feature, Documentary and Magazine category during Development Journalism Competition in 2015 in Rwanda.....
Athan Tashobya